Something to note here is that the button can't be called just "coffee'' when the player's holding a cup of coffee: this means the game responds sensibly to the sequence "press coffee'' and "drink coffee''. Also note the way itobj is set to the delivered drink, so that "drink it'' works nicely. Object -> drinksmat "drinks machine", with name "drinks" "machine", initial "A drinks machine here has buttons for Cola, Coffee and Tea.", has static; Object -> thebutton "drinks machine button" has scenery with parse_name [ i flag type; for (: flag == 0: i++) { flag = 1; switch(NextWord()) { 'button', 'for': flag = 0; 'coffee': if (type == 0) { flag = 0; type = 1; } 'tea': if (type == 0) { flag = 0; type = 2; } 'cola': if (type == 0) { flag = 0; type = 3; } } } if (type==drink.number && i==2 && type~=0 && drink in player) return 0; self.number=type; return i-1; ], number 0, before [; Push, SwitchOn: if (self.number == 0) "You'll have to say which button to press."; if (parent(drink) ~= 0) "The machine's broken down."; drink.number = self.number; move drink to player; itobj = drink; print_ret "Whirr! The machine puts ", (a) drink, " into your \ glad hands."; Attack: "The machine shudders and squirts cola at you."; Drink: "You can't drink until you've worked the machine."; ]; Object drink "drink" with parse_name [ i flag type; for (: flag == 0: i++) { flag = 1; switch(NextWord()) { 'drink', 'cup', 'of': flag = 0; 'coffee': if (type == 0) { flag = 0; type = 1; } 'tea': if (type == 0) { flag = 0; type = 2; } 'cola': if (type == 0) { flag = 0; type = 3; } } } if (type ~= 0 && type ~= self.number) return 0; return i-1; ], short_name [; print "cup of "; switch (self.number) { 1: print "coffee"; 2: print "tea"; 3: print "cola"; } rtrue; ], number 0, before [; Drink: remove self; "Ugh, that was awful. You crumple the cup and responsibly \ dispose of it."; ]; |