
A12. A short Inform lexicon

This brief dictionary of Inform jargon defines terms used in the manual, generally excepting language features set in computer type. Cross-references are italicised.

action -- A single attempted action by the player, such as taking a lamp, generated either by the parser or in code. It is stored as three numbers, the first being the action number, the others being the noun and second noun (if any: otherwise 0).

action number -- A number identifying which kind of action is under way, e.g., Take, which can be written as a constant by prefacing its name with ##.

action routine -- The routine of code executed when an action has been allowed to take place. What marks it out as the routine in question is that its name is the name of the action with Sub appended, as for instance TakeSub.

actor -- The parser can interpret what the player types as either a request for the player's own character to do something, in which case the actor is the player's object, or to request somebody else to do something, in which case the actor is the person being spoken to. This affects the parser significantly because the person speaking and the person addressed may be able to see different things.

additive -- An additive property is one whose value accumulates into a list held in a word array, rather than being over-written as a single value, during inheritance from classes.

Advanced game -- The default Inform format of story file, also known as Version 5. It can be extended (see version) if needed. Standard games should no longer be used unless necessary.

alias -- A single attribute or common property may be used for two different purposes, with different names, provided care is exercised to avoid clashes: the two names are called aliases. The library uses this: for instance, time_out is an alias for daemon.

ambiguity -- Arises when the player has typed something vague like "fish'' in circumstances when many nearby objects might be called that. The parser then resolves this, possibly in conjunction with the program.

argument -- A parameter specified in a routine call, such as 7 in the call AwardPoints(7).

array -- An indexed collection of global variables. There are four kinds, byte arrays ->, word arrays -->, strings and tables.

assembly language -- The Z-machine runs a sequence of low-level instructions, or assembly lines (also called opcodes). These can be programmed directly as Inform statements by prefixing them with @, but only a few are documented in this manual, in Section 33, the rest being in the 'Z-machine Standards Document'.

assembler error -- A very low-level error caused by a malformed line of assembly language.

assignment -- A statement which sets the value of a global or \W{local variable}, or array entry.

attribute -- An object can be created as having certain attributes, which are simple off-or-on states (or flags), which can then be given, tested for or taken away by the program. For example, light represents the state "is giving off light''.

block of code -- See code block.

box -- A rectangle of text, usually displayed in reverse video onto the screen and with text such as a quotation inside (see Section 32).

byte -- An 8-bit cell of memory, capable of holding numbers between 0 and 255.

byte address -- The whole lower part of the memory map of the Z-machine can be regarded as a byte array, and a byte address is an index into this. E.g., byte address 0 refers to the lowest byte in the machine (which always holds the version number). Dictionary words are internally stored as byte addresses.

byte array -- An array indexed with the -> operator whose entries are only 1 byte each: they can therefore hold numbers between 0 and 255, or ASCII characters, but not strings or object numbers.

character -- A single letter 'A' or symbol '*', written as a constant using the notation 'A', and internally stored as its ASCII code. Can be printed using print (char).

child -- See object tree.

class -- A template for an object definition, giving certain properties and attributes which are inherited by any objects defined as being of this class. Classes also exist as objects in their own right and belong to a metaclass called Class.

code block -- A collection of statements can be grouped together into a block using braces { and } so that they count as a single unit for if statements, what is to be done inside a for loop, etc.

common property -- Any property set by the class Object is passed on to every object and is called a "common property'': for example, description. All others are individual properties. New properties can be declared as common with the Property directive. They behave similarly except that: (a) values of common properties can be read even from an object not providing them, the result being a special default value, which can be altered using ChangeDefault; (b) they are faster and slightly more economical of memory to use; (c) there are a limited number of them.

compass -- The compass object, created by the library but never tangible to the player during the game, is used to hold the currently valid direction objects.

compiler -- The Inform program itself, which transmutes Inform programs (or source code) into the story file which is played with the use of an interpreter at run-time.

condition -- A state of affairs which either is, or isn't, true at any given moment, such as x == y, often written in round brackets ( and ). The central operator == is also called the condition. A numerical value given with no operator is considered true if it is non-zero and otherwise false.

constant -- An explicitly written-out number, such as 34 or $$10110111; or the internal name of an object, such as brass_lamp, whose value is its object number; or the internal name of an array, whose value is its byte address; or a word defined by either the library or Inform code as meaning a particular value; or a character, written 'X' and whose value is its ASCII code; or a dictionary word, written 'word' and whose value is its byte address; or an action, written ##Action and whose value is its action number; or a routine written #r$Routine whose value is its packed address; or the name of a property or attribute or class.

containment -- See object tree.

cursor -- An invisible notional position at which text is being printed in the upper window, when the windows are split; the origin is $(1,1)$ in the top left.

daemon -- A routine attached to an object which, once started, is run once during the end sequence of every turn until explicitly stopped. Used to manage events happening as time passes by, or to notice changes in the state of the game which require some activity.

default value -- See property.

description -- The usually quite long piece of text attached to an object; if it's a room, then this is the long description printed out when the room is first visited; otherwise it will usually be printed when the object is examined by the player.

dictionary -- A list kept inside the Z-machine of all the words ordinarily understood by the game, such as "throw'' and "mauve'', usually between about 300 and 2000 words long. Inform automatically puts this list together from all the name values of objects and all usages of constants like 'word'. Dictionary words are stored to a resolution of 9 characters (6 for Standard games), written 'thus' (provided they have more than one letter; otherwise #n$x for the word "x''; except as values of the special name property) and are internally referred to by numbers which are their byte addresses inside the list.

direct containment -- See object tree.

direction object -- An object representing both the abstract idea of a direction and the wall which is in that direction: for instance, n_obj represents "northness'' and the north wall of the current room. Typing "go north'' causes the parser to generate the action Go n_obj. The current direction objects are exactly those currently inside the compass object and they can be dynamically changed. The door_dir property of a direction object holds its corresponding direction property.

direction property -- The library creates 12 direction properties: n_to, s_to, etc., u_to, d_to, in_to and out_to. These are used to give map connections from rooms and indicate directions which doors and direction objects correspond to.

directive -- A line of Inform code which instructs the compiler to do something, such as to define a new constant; it takes immediate effect and does not correspond to anything happening at run-time. These are not normally written inside routines but can be if prefaced by a # character.

eldest child -- See object tree.

embedded routine -- A routine defined as the property value of an object, which is defined without a name of its own, and which by default returns 'false' rather than 'true'.

encapsulation -- When an object declares a property as being private, its value is unavailable anywhere else in the program: it can be read or written to only by that one object itself. This close concealment of data is called encapsulation.

entry point -- A routine in an Inform program which is directly called by the library to intervene in the normal operation of the game (if the routine so wishes). Provision of entry points is optional, except for Initialise, which must always occur in every game.

error -- When the compiler finds something in the program which it can't make sense of, it produces an error (which will eventually prevent it from generating a story file, so that it cannot generate an illegal story file which would fail at run-time). If the error is fatal the compiler stops at once.

examine message -- See description.

expression -- A general piece of Inform code which determines a numerical value. It may be anything from a single constant to a bracketed calculation of variable, property or array values, such as 3+(day_list-->(calendar.number)).

fake action -- A form of action which has no corresponding action routine and will have no effect after the before-processing stage of considering an action is over. A fake action is never generated by the parser and can only be triggered by a <...> statement. The library makes use of this but other Inform code is advised not to.

fake fake action -- A form of action which does have an action routine and is processed exactly as ordinary actions are, but which is never generated by the parser, only by the program, which can use it to pass a message to an object.

fatal error -- An error found by the compiler which causes it to give up immediately; for instance, a disc being full or memory running out are fatal.

format -- See version.

function -- See routine.

fuse -- See timer.

global variable -- A variable which can be used by every routine in the program.

grammar -- A list of lines which is attached to a particular verb. The parser decodes what the player has typed by trying to match it against each line in turn of the grammar attached to the verb which the first word of the player's input corresponds to.

hardware function -- A function which is used just like any other routine but which is not defined anywhere in the library or program: the compiler provides it automatically, usually converting the apparent call to a routine into a single line of assembly language.

importing -- When compiling a module, Inform needs to be told of any global variables it is using which are defined only in the outside program (compiled on a different occasion). Such a variable is said to be "imported'' using the Import global directive.

indirect containment -- See object tree.

individual property -- Opposite of common property.

inheritance -- The process in which property values and attribute settings specified in a class definition are passed on to an object defined as having that class.

internal name -- See name.

interpreter -- A program for some particular model of computer, for example the IBM PC, which reads in the story file of a game and allows someone to play it. A different interpreter is needed for each model of computer (though generic source codes exist which make it relatively easy to produce these).

inventory -- 1. Verb, imperative: a demand for a list of the items one is holding; 2. noun: the list itself. (When Crowther and Woods were writing the original 'Advent', they were unable to think of a good imperative verb and fell back on the barely sensible "take inventory'', which was soon corrupted into the not at all sensible "inventory'', thence "inv'' and finally "i''.)

library -- The 'operating system' for the Z-machine: a large segment of Inform code, written out in three library files, which manages the model world, provides the parser and consults the game's program now and then to give it a chance to make interesting things happen.

library files -- The three files parser, verblib and grammar containing the source code of the library. These are normally Included in the code for every Inform game.

library routine -- A routine provided by the library which is 'open to the public' in that the designer's program is allowed to call and make use of it.

line -- One possible pattern which the parser might match against what the player has typed beyond the initial verb word. A grammar line consists of a sequence of tokens, each of which must be matched in sequence, plus an action which will be generated if the line successfully matches.

linking -- The process of assimilating a previously-compiled module into the game now being compiled, in order to save compilation time.

local variable -- A variable attached to a particular routine (or, more precisely, a particular call to a routine: if a routine calls itself, then the parent and child incarnation have independent copies of the local variables) whose value is inaccessible to the rest of the program. Also used to hold the arguments of the call.

long -- A property whose values must always be stored as words, or word arrays, rather than bytes or byte arrays. A safely ignorable concept since except for Standard games all properties are long.

logical machine -- See Z-machine.

low string -- A string which can be used as the value of a variable string, printed with the @ escape character. Must be declared with Lowstring.

map -- The geographical design of the game, divided into areas called rooms with connections between them in different directions. The story file doesn't contain an explicit map table but stores the information implicitly in the definition of the room objects.

memory map -- Internally, the Z-machine contains a large array in whose values the entire story file and all its data structures are stored. Particular cells low down in this array are indexed by byte addresses, and routines and strings which are lodged higher up are referred to by packed addresses. The organisation of this array (which ranges of indices correspond to what) is called the memory map.

message -- A way to communicate with an object, specifying the object to call, the property being addressed (in effect, the "kind of message being sent'') and possibly other parameters. A single value is returned as a reply.

metaclass -- There are four fundamental classes of object, such that every object belongs to exactly one of the four. These are Object, Class, Routine and String, and are called metaclasses. (Since they are examples of classes, they themselves have metaclass Class.)

meta-verb -- A verb whose actions are always commands from the player to the game, rather than requests for something to happen in the model world: for instance, "quit'' is meta but "take'' is not.

module -- A previously-compiled but incomplete segment of game, which is kept in order for it to be linked into a later compilation. It can be linked many times once created, saving much compilation time. (For example, almost the whole Library can be reduced to two modules.)

multiple object -- The parser matches a token with a multiple object when the player has either explicitly referred to more than one object (e.g. "drop lamp and basket'') or implicitly done so (e.g. "drop everything'' when this amounts to more than 1 item); though the match is only made if the token will allow it.

names -- An object has three kinds of name: 1. its internal name, a word such as brass_lamp, which is a constant referring to it within the program; 2. its short name, such as "dusty old brass lamp'' or "Twopit Room'', which is printed in inventories or before a room description; 3. dictionary words which appear as values of its name property, such as "dusty", "brass", etc., which the player can type to refer to it.

noun -- The first parameter (usually an object but possibly a number) which the parser has matched in a line of grammar is the noun for the action which is generated. It is stored in the noun variable (not to be confused with the noun token).

object -- 1. The physical substance of the game's world is divided up into indivisible objects, such as 'a brass lamp' or 'a meadow'. These contain each other in a hierarchy called the object tree. An object may be defined with an initial location (another object) and must have an internal name and a short name; attached to it throughout the game are variables called attributes and properties which reflect its current state. The definition of an object may make it inherit initial settings for this state from one or more classes. 2. More generally, classes themselves and even routines and strings are abstractly considered objects. Objects in sense (1) above, "concrete objects'', are members of the metaclass Object, while classes belong to Class, routines to Routine and strings to String.

object number -- Objects are automatically numbered from 1 upwards, in order of definition, and the internal name of an object is in fact a constant whose value is this number.

object tree -- The hierarchy of containment between objects of metaclass Object, i.e., of concretely existing objects. Each has a 'parent', though this may be 'nothing' (to indicate that it is uncontained, as for instance rooms are) and possibly some 'children' (the objects directly contained within it). The 'child' of an object is the 'eldest' of these children, the one most recently moved within it or, if none have been moved into it since the start of play, the first one defined as within it. The 'sibling' of this child is then the next eldest, or may be 'nothing' if there is no next eldest. Note that if A is inside B which is itself inside C, then C 'directly contains' B but only 'indirectly contains' A: and we do not call A one of the children of C.

obsolete usage -- A point in the program using Inform syntax which was correct under some previous version of the compiler but is no longer correct (usually because there is a neater way to express the same idea). Inform often allows these but, if so, issues warnings.

opcodes -- See assembly language.

operator -- A symbol in an expression which acts on one or more sub-expressions, combining their values to produce a result. This may be arithmetic, as in + or /, or to do with array or property value indexing, as in -> or .&. Note that condition operators such as == are not formally expression operators.

order -- An instruction by the player for somebody else to do something. For instance, "policeman, give me your hat'' is an order. The order is parsed as if an action but is then processed in the other person's object definition.

packed address -- A number encoding the location of a routine or string within the memory map of the Z-machine.

parent -- See object tree.

parser -- That part of the library which, once per turn, issues the prompt; asks the player to type something; looks at the initial verb word; tries to match the remaining words against one of the lines of grammar for this verb and, if successful, generates the resulting action.

player -- 1. the person sitting at the keyboard at run-time, who is playing the game; 2. his character inside the model world of the game. (There is an important difference - one has access to the "undo'' verb. The other actually dies.)

private property -- See encapsulation.

prompt -- The text printed to invite the player to type: usually just >.

property -- 1. The value of a variable attached to a particular object, accessible throughout the program, which can be a single word, an \W{embedded routine} or an array of values; 2. a named class of such variables, such as description, which may or may not be provided by any given object. Properties can be encapsulated for privacy. All properties are either common or individual (the latter unless otherwise declared).

provision -- If a property, such as description, is given in the definition of an object (or in the definition of a class which the object belongs to) then the object is said to "provide'' that property.

resolution -- See dictionary.

return value -- See routine.

room -- The geography of a game is subdivided into parcels of area called rooms, within which it is (usually) assumed that the player has no particular location but can reach all corners of easily and without giving explicit instruction to do so. For instance, "the summit of Scafell Pike'' might be such an area, while "the summit of Ben Nevis'' (being a large L-shaped ridge) would probably be divided into three or four. These rooms fit together into the map and each is implemented as an object.

room description -- See description.

routine -- An Inform program is always executed in routines, each of which is "called'' (possibly with arguments) and must return a particular word value, though this is sometimes disguised from the programmer because (for example) the statement return; actually returns true (1) and the statement ExplodeBomb(); makes the call to the routine but throws away the return value subsequently. Routines are permitted to call themselves (if the programmer wants to risk it) and have their own local variables. Calling a routine is analogous to sending a message to an object, and indeed routines are abstractly considered objects in their own right, belonging to metaclass Routine.

rule -- Embedded routines given as values of a property like before or after are sometimes loosely called rules, because they encode exceptional rules of the game such as "the 10-ton weight cannot be picked up''. However, there is no formal concept of 'rule'.

run-time -- The time when an interpreter is running the story file, i.e., when someone is actually playing the game, as distinct from 'compile-time' (when the compiler is at work making the story file). Some errors (such as an attempt to divide a number by zero) can only be detected at run-time.

scope -- To say that an object is in scope to a particular actor is roughly to say that it is visible, and can sensibly be referred to.

second noun -- The second parameter (usually an object but possibly a number) which the parser has matched in a line of grammar is the second noun for the action generated. It is stored in the second variable.

see-through -- An object is called this if it has transparent, or is an open container, or is a supporter. Roughly this means 'if the object is visible, then its children are visible'. (This criterion is often applied in the scope (and 'light') rules inside the library.)

sender -- When a message is sent from one object to another, the originator is called the "sender''. Whenever a message is being received, the variable sender holds this object's identity.

short name -- See name.

sibling -- See object tree.

statement -- A single instruction for the game to carry out at run-time; a routine is a collection of statements. These include assignments and assembly language but not directives.

status line -- The region at the top of the screen which, in play, usually shows the current score and location, and which is usually printed in reversed colours for contrast.

story file -- The output of the compiler is a single file containing everything about the game produced, in a format which is standard. To be played, the file must be run with an interpreter. Thus only one file is needed for every Inform game created, and only one auxiliary program must be written for every model of computer which is to run such games. In this way story files are absolutely portable across different computers.

Standard game -- An old format (version 3) of story file which should no longer be used unless absolutely necessary (to run on very small computers) since it imposes tiresome restrictions.

string -- 1. a literal piece of text such as "Mary had a fox" (which is a constant internally represented by a number, its packed address, and may be created as a low string), abstractly considered an object of metaclass String; 2. a form of byte array in which the 0th entry holds the number of entries (so called because such an array is usually used as a list of characters, i.e. a string variable); 3. see variable string.

switch -- 1. certain objects are 'switchable', meaning they can be turned off or on by the player; 2. options set by the programmer when the compiler starts are called switches; 3. a switch statement is one which switches execution, like a railway turntable, between different lines according to the current value of an expression.

synonym -- Two or more words which refer to the same verb are called synonyms (for example, "wear'' and "don'').

table -- A form of word array in which the 0th entry holds the number of entries.

timer -- A routine attached to a particular object which, once set, will be run after a certain number of turns have passed by. (Sometimes called a 'fuse'.)

token -- A particle in a line of grammar, which the parser tries to match with one or more words from what the player has typed. For instance, the token held can only be matched by an object the actor is holding.

tree -- See object tree.

turn -- The period in play between one typed command and another.

untypeable word -- A dictionary word which contains at least one space, full stop or comma and therefore can never be recognised by the parser as one of the words typed by the player.

variable -- A named value which can be set or compared so that it varies at run-time. It must be declared before use (the library declares many such). Variables are either local or global; entries in arrays (or the memory map) and properties of objects behave like global variables.

variable string -- (Not the same as a string (3) variable.) There are 32 of these, which can only be set (to a string (1) which must have been defined as a low string) or printed out (using the @ escape character).

vehicle -- An object which the player character can travel around in.

verb -- 1. a collection of synonymous one-word English verbs for which the parser has a grammar of possible lines which a command starting with one of these verbs might take; 2. one of the one-word English verbs.

version -- The compiler can produce 6 different formats of story file, from Version 3 (or Standard) to Version 8. By default it produces Version 5 (or Advanced) which is the most portable.

warning -- When the compiler finds something in the program which it disapproves of (for example, an obsolete usage) or thinks might be a mistake, it issues a warning message. This resembles an error but does not prevent successful compilation; a working story file can still be produced.

window -- (Except in Standard games) the screen is divided into two windows, an upper, fixed window usually containing the status line and the lower, scrolling window usually holding the text of the game. One can divert printing to the upper window and move a cursor about in it.

word -- 1. an English word in the game's dictionary; 2. almost all numbers are stored in 16-bit words of memory which unlike bytes can hold any constant value, though they take twice as much storage space up.

word array -- An array indexed with the --> operator whose entries are words: they can therefore hold any constant values.

youngest child -- See object tree.

Z-machine -- The imaginary computer which the story file is a program for. One romantically pretends that this is built from circuitboards and microchips (using terms like 'hardware') though in fact it is merely simulated at run-time by an interpreter running on some (much more sophisticated) computer. Z is for 'Zork'.

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Mechanically translated to HTML from third edition as revised 16 May 1997. Copyright © Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997: all rights reserved.