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The actions implemented by the library are in three groups. Group 1 consists
of actions associated with 'meta'-verbs, which are not subject to game
rules. (If you want a room where the
game can't be saved, as for instance 'Spellbreaker' cunningly does, you'll
have to tamper with SaveSub directly, using a Replaced routine.)
1a. Quit, Restart, Restore, Verify, Save, ScriptOn, ScriptOff, Pronouns, Score, Fullscore, LMode1, LMode2, LMode3, NotifyOn, NotifyOff, Version, Places, Objects.(Lmode1, Lmode2 and Lmode3 switch between "brief'', "verbose'' and "superbrief'' room description styles.) In addition, but only if DEBUG is defined, so that the debugging suite is present, group 1 contains 1b. TraceOn, TraceOff, TraceLevel, ActionsOn, ActionsOff, RoutinesOn, RoutinesOff, TimersOn, TimersOff, CommandsOn, CommandsOff, CommandsRead, Predictable, XPurloin, XAbstract, XTree, Scope, Goto, Gonear.Group 2 contains actions which sometimes get as far as the 'after' stage, because the library sometimes does something when processing them. 2. Inv, InvTall, InvWide, Take, Drop, Remove, PutOn, Insert, Transfer, Empty, Enter, Exit, GetOff, Go, GoIn, Look, Examine, Search, Give, Show, Unlock, Lock, SwitchOn, SwitchOff, Open, Close, Disrobe, Wear, Eat.Group 3 contains the remaining actions, which never reach 'after' because the library simply prints a message and stops at the 'during' stage. 3. Yes, No, Burn, Pray, Wake, WakeOther [person], Consult, Kiss, Think, Smell, Listen, Taste, Touch, Dig, Cut, Jump [jump on the spot], JumpOver, Tie, Drink, Fill, Sorry, Strong [swear word], Mild [swear word], Attack, Swim, Swing [something], Blow, Rub, Set, SetTo, WaveHands [ie, just "wave"], Wave [something], Pull, Push, PushDir [push something in a direction], Turn, Squeeze, LookUnder [look underneath something], ThrowAt, Answer, Buy, Ask, AskFor, Sing, Climb, Wait, Sleep.
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The actions PushDir and Go (while the player is inside an enterable object) have special rules: see Section 14. | |||
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The library also defines 8 fake actions:
LetGo, Receive, ThrownAt, Order, TheSame, PluralFound, Miscellany, Prompt
LetGo, Receive and ThrownAt are used to allow the second
noun of Insert, PutOn, ThrowAt, Remove actions to intervene;
Order is used to process actions through somebody's life routine;
TheSame and PluralFound are defined by the parser as ways for the
program to communicate with it; Miscellany and Prompt are defined
as slots for LibraryMessages.
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