Note that whether reacting before or after, the psychiatrist does not cut any actions short, because react_before and react_after both return false. Object -> psychiatrist "bearded psychiatrist" with name "bearded" "doctor" "psychiatrist" "psychologist" "shrink", initial "A bearded psychiatrist has you under observation.", life [; "He is fascinated by your behaviour, but makes no attempt to interfere with it."; ], react_after [; Insert: print "~Subject puts ", (name) noun, " in ", (name) second, ". Interesting.~^^"; Look: print "~Pretend I'm not here,~ says the psychiatrist.^"; ], react_before [; Take, Remove: print "~Subject feels lack of ", (the) noun, ". Suppressed Oedipal complex? Mmm.~^"; ], has animate; |