Suppose Dan's grammar (but nobody else's) for the "examine'' verb is to be extended. His grammar routine should also contain:

           if (verb_word == 'examine' or 'x')
           {   verb_wordnum++; return -'danx,'; }
(Note the crudity of this: it looks at the actual verb word, so you have to check any synonyms yourself.) The verb "danx,'' must be declared later:
Verb "danx," * "conscience" -> Inv;
and now "Dan, examine conscience'' will send him an Inv order: but "Dan, examine cow pie'' will still send Examine cow_pie as usual.

Back to the exercise in section 16
Mechanically translated to HTML from third edition as revised 16 May 1997. Copyright © Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997: all rights reserved.