This is similar to the previous exercises. One creates an attribute called crewmember and gives it to the crew objects: the orders property is orders [; Examine: if (parent(noun)==0) "~", (name) noun, " is no longer aboard this demonstration game.~"; "~", (name) noun, " is in ", (name) parent(noun), ".~"; default: "The computer's only really good for locating the crew."; ],and the grammar simply returns 'stc,' which is defined as [ Crew i; switch(scope_stage) { 1: rfalse; 2: objectloop (i has crewmember) PlaceInScope(i); rtrue; } ]; Verb "stc," * "where" "is" scope=Crew -> Examine;An interesting point is that the scope routine doesn't need to do anything at stage 3 (usually used for printing out errors) because the normal error-message printing system is never reached. Something like "computer, where is Comminder Doto'' causes a ##NotUnderstood order. |