Object Zen "Zen" Flight_Deck with name "zen" "flight" "computer", initial "Square lights flicker unpredictably across a hexagonal fascia on one wall, indicating that Zen is on-line.", grammar [; return -'zen,'; ], orders [; Show: "The main screen shows a starfield, turning through ", noun, " degrees."; Go: "~Confirmed.~ The ship turns to a new bearing."; SetTo: if (noun==0) "~Confirmed.~ The ship comes to a stop."; if (noun>12) "~Standard by ", (number) noun, " exceeds design tolerances.~"; "~Confirmed.~ The ship's engines step to standard by ", (number) noun, "."; Take: if (noun~=force_wall) "~Please clarify.~"; "~Force wall raised.~"; Drop: if (noun~=blasters) "~Please clarify.~"; "~Battle-computers on line. Neutron blasters cleared for firing.~"; NotUnderstood: "~Language banks unable to decode.~"; default: "~Information. That function is unavailable.~"; ], has talkable proper static; Object -> force_wall "force wall" with name "force" "wall" "shields"; Object -> blasters "neutron blasters" with name "neutron" "blasters"; ... Verb "zen," * "scan" number "orbital" -> Show * "set" "course" "for" Planet -> Go * "speed" "standard" "by" number -> SetTo * "raise" held -> Take * "clear" held "for" "firing" -> Drop;Dealing with Ask, Answer and Tell are left to the reader. |