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Objects make up the substance of the world. That is why they cannot be composite.
The objects in a program are its constituent parts: little lumps of code and data. The starting point of an "object-oriented language'' is that it's good design to tie up pieces of information in bundles with the pieces of program which deal with them. But the idea goes further:
1. -- An object is something you can communicate with. (It's like a company where many people work in the same building, sharing the same address: to the outside world it behaves like a single person.) 2. -- Information inside the object can be kept concealed from the outside world (like a company's confidential files). This is sometimes called "encapsulation''. 3. -- The outside world can only ask the object to do something, and has no business knowing how it will be done. (The company might decide to change its stock-control system one day, but the outside world should never even notice that this has happened, even though internally it's a dramatic shift.)
All three principles have been seen already for routines: (1) you can call a routine, but you can't call "only this part of a routine''; (2) the local variables of a routine are its own private property, and the rest of the program can't find out or alter their values; (3) as long as the routine still accomplishes the same task, it can be rewritten entirely and the rest of the program will carry on working as if no change had been made. Why bother with all this? There are two answers. First and foremost, Inform was designed to make adventure games, where objects are the right idea for representing items and places in the game. Secondly, the 'object' approach makes sense as a way of organising any large, complicated program.
The other key idea is communication. One can visualise the program as being a large group of companies, constantly writing letters to each other to request information or ask for things to be done. In a typical "message'', one object A sends a detailed question or instruction to another object B, which replies with a simple answer. (Again, we've seen this already for routines: one routine calls another, and the other sends back a return value.)
Routines are only one of the four basic kinds of Inform object, which are:
-- routines, declared using [...]; -- strings in double-quotes "like so"; -- collections of routines and global variables, declared using Object; -- prototypes for such collections, called "classes'' and declared using Class. These four kinds are called "metaclasses''. If O is an object, then the function metaclass(O)will always tell you what kind it is, which will be one of the four values Routine String Object ClassFor example, metaclass("Violin Concerto no. 1")evaluates to String, whereas metaclass(Main)should always be Routine (since Main should always be the name of the routine where an Inform program begins to run). From Section 1 we already know about metaclasses Routine and String, so it's the other two cases which this section will concentrate on.
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Why only these four kinds? Why are strings objects, and not (say) variables or dictionary words? Object-oriented languages vary greatly in to what extreme they take the notion of object: in the dogmatic Smalltalk-80, every ingredient of any kind in a program is called an object: the program itself, the number 17, each variable and so on. Inform is much more moderate. Routines, Objects and classes are genuinely object-like, and it just so happens that it's convenient to treat strings as objects (as we shall see). But Inform stops there. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Routines, strings and (as we shall see) classes are scattered about in an Inform program, in no particular order, and nothing links them together. Object objects are special in that they are joined up in the "object tree'' which grows through every Inform program. In this tree, objects have a kind of family relationship to each other: each one has a parent, a child and a sibling. (The analogy here is with family trees.) Normally such a relation is another object in the tree, but instead it can be nothingwhich means "no object at all''. For example, consider the tree: Meadow ! Mailbox -> Player ! ! Note Sceptre -> Cucumber -> Torch -> Magic Rod ! BatteryThe Mailbox and Player are both children of the Meadow, which is their parent, but only the Mailbox is the child of the Meadow. The Magic Rod is the sibling of the Torch, which is the sibling of the Cucumber, and so on.
Inform provides special functions for reading off positions in the tree: parent, sibling and child all do the obvious things, and in addition there's a function called children which counts up how many children an object has (where grandchildren don't count as children). For instance, parent ( Mailbox ) == Meadow children ( Player ) == 4 child ( Player ) == Sceptre child ( Sceptre ) == nothing sibling ( Torch ) == Magic RodIt is a bad idea to apply these functions to the value nothing (since it is not an object, but a value representing the absence of one). One can detect whether a quantity is a genuine object or not using metaclass, for metaclass(X)is nothing for any value X which isn't an object: in particular, metaclass(nothing) == nothing
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Hopefully it's clear why the tree is useful for writing adventure games: it provides a way to simulate the vital idea of one thing being contained inside another. But even in non-adventure game programs it can be a convenience. For instance, it is an efficient way to hold tree structures and linked lists of information. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The object tree's initial state is created with the directive Object. For example, Object "bucket" ... Object -> "starfish" ... Object -> "oyster" ... Object -> -> "pearl" ... Object -> "sand" ...(where the bulk of the definitions are here abbreviated to "...''), sets up the tree structure "bucket" ! "starfish" --> "oyster" --> "sand" ! "pearl"The idea is that if no arrows -> are given in the Object definition, then the object has no parent: if one -> is given, then the object is a child of the last object to be defined with no arrows; if two are given, then it's a child of the last object defined with only one arrow; and so on. (The list of definitions looks a little like the tree picture turned on its side.) An object definition consists of a "head'' followed by a "body'', which is itself divided into "segments'' (though there the similarity with caterpillars ends). The head takes the form: Object <arrows> <name> "textual name" <parent>but all of these four entries are optional. 1. -- The <arrows> are as described above. Note that if one or more arrows are given, that automatically specifies what object this is the child of, so a <parent> cannot be given as well. 2. -- The <name> is what the object can be called inside the program; it's analogous to a variable name. 3. -- The "textual name" can be given if the object's name ever needs to be printed by the program when it is running. 4. -- The <parent> is an object which this new object is to be a child of. (This is an alternative to supplying arrows.) So much is optional that even the bare directive Object;is allowed, though it makes a nameless and featureless object which is unlikely to be useful.
The positions of objects in the tree are by no means fixed: they are created in a particular formation but are often shuffled around extensively during the program's execution. (In an adventure game, where the objects represent items and rooms, objects are moved in the tree whenever the player picks something up or moves around.) The statement move <object> to <object>moves the first-named object to become a child of the second-named one. All of the first object's own children "move along with it'', i.e., remain its own children. For instance, following the example in Section 3.2 above, move Cucumber to Mailbox;results in the tree Meadow ! Mailbox -----------> Player ! ! Cucumber -> Note Sceptre -> Torch -> Magic Rod ! BatteryIt must be emphasized that move prints nothing on the screen, and indeed does nothing at all except to rearrange the tree. When an object becomes the child of another in this way, it always becomes the "eldest'' child in the family-tree sense; that is, it is the new child() of its parent, pushing the previous children over into being its siblings. It is, however, illegal to move an object out of such a structure using move Torch to nothing;because nothing is not an object as such. The effect is instead achieved with remove Torch;which would now result in Meadow Torch ! ! Mailbox -----------> Player Battery ! ! Cucumber -> Note Sceptre -> Magic RodSo the "object tree'' is often fragmented into many little trees.
Since objects move around a good deal, it's useful to be able to test where an object currently is; the condition in is provided for this. For example, Cucumber in Mailboxis true if and only if the Cucumber is one of the direct children of the Mailbox. (Cucumber in Mailbox is true, but Cucumber in Meadow is false.) Note that X in Yis only an abbreviation for parent(X) == Ybut it's worth having since it occurs so often.
The one loop statement missed out in Section 1 was objectloop. objectloop(<variable-name>) <statement>runs through the <statement> once for each object in the tree, putting each object in turn into the variable. For example, objectloop(x) print (name) x, "^";prints out a list of the textual names of every object in the tree. (Objects which aren't given any textual names in their descriptions come out as "?''.) More powerfully, any condition can be written in the brackets, as long as it begins with a variable name. objectloop(x in Mailbox) print (name) x, "^";prints the names only of those objects which are direct children of the Mailbox object.
So far Objects are just tokens with names attached which can be shuffled around in a tree. They become interesting when data and routines are attached to them, and this is what the body of an object definition is for. The body contains up to four segments, which can occur in any order; each of the four is optional. The segments are called with has class privateclass will be left until later. The most important segment is with, which specifies things to be attached to the object. For example, Object magpie "black-striped bird" with wingspan, worms_eaten;attaches two variables to the bird, one called wingspan, the other called worms_eaten. Notice that when more than one variable is given, commas are used to separate them: and the object definition as a whole is ended by a semicolon, as always. The values of the magpie's variables are referred to in the rest of the program as magpie.wingspan magpie.worms_eatenwhich can be used exactly the way normal (global) variables are used. Note that the object has to be named along with the variable, since crested_glebe.wingspan magpie.wingspanare different variables. Variables which are attached to objects in this way are called "properties''. More precisely, the name wingspan is said to be a property, and is said to be "provided'' by both the magpie and crested_glebe objects. The presence of a property can be tested using the provides condition. For example, objectloop (x provides wingspan) ...executes the code ... for each object x in the game which is defined with a wingspan property.
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Although the provision of a property can be tested, it cannot be changed while the program is running. The value of magpie.wingspan may change, but not the fact that the magpie has a wingspan. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the above magpie definition is made, the initial values of magpie.wingspan magpie.worms_eatenare both 0. To create the magpie with a given wingspan, we have to specify an initial value: we do this by giving it after the name, e.g. Object magpie "black-striped bird" with wingspan 5, worms_eaten;and now the program begins with magpie.wingspan equal to 5, and magpie.worms_eaten still equal to 0. (For consistency perhaps there should be an equals sign before the 5, but if this were the syntax then Inform programs would be horribly full of equals signs.)
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Properties can be arrays instead of global variables. If two or more
consecutive values are given for the same property, it becomes an array. Thus,
Object magpie "black-striped bird" with name "magpie" "bird" "black-striped" "black" "striped", wingspan 5, worms_eaten; is not a global variable (and cannot be treated as such: it doesn't make sense to add 1 to it), it is an --> array. This must be accessed using two special operators, .& and .#. magpie.&namemeans "the array which is held in magpie's name property'', so that the actual name values are in the entries magpie.&name-->0 magpie.&name-->1 ... magpie.&name-->4The size of this array can be discovered with magpie.#namewhich evaluates to the twice the number of entries, in this case, to 10. (Twice the number of entries because it is actually the number of byte array, ->, entries: byte arrays take only half as much storage as word arrays.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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name is actually a special property created by Inform. It has the
unique distinction that textual values in double-quotes (like the five words
given in above) are entered into the game's dictionary, and not
treated as ordinary strings. (Normally one would use single-quotes for this.
The rule here is anomalous and goes back to the misty origins of Inform 1.)
If you prefer a consistent style, using single quotes:
Object magpie "black-striped bird" with name 'magpie' 'bird' 'black-striped' 'black' 'striped', wingspan 5, worms_eaten;works equally well (except that single-character names like "X'' then have to be written #n$X). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finally, properties can also be routines. In the definition Object magpie "black-striped bird" with name "magpie" "bird" "black-striped" "black" "striped", wingspan 5, flying_strength [; return magpie.wingspan + magpie.worms_eaten; ], worms_eaten;magpie.flying_strength is neither a variable nor an array, but a routine, given in square brackets as usual. (Note that the Object directive continues where it left off after the routine-end marker, ].) Routines which are written in as property values are called "embedded'' and are mainly used to receive messages (as we shall see).
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Embedded routines are unlike ordinary ones in two ways:
1. -- An embedded routine has no name of its own, since it is referred to as a property such as magpie.flying_strength instead. 2. -- If execution reaches the ] end-marker of an embedded routine, then it returns false, not true (as a non-embedded routine would). The reason for this will only become clear in Chapter III when before and after rules are discussed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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An optional system is provided for "encapsulating'' certain properties so
that only the object itself has access to them. These are defined by giving
them in a segment of the object declaration called private. For instance,
Object sentry "sentry" private pass_number 16339, with challenge [ attempt; if (attempt == sentry.pass_number) "Approach, friend!"; "Stand off, stranger."; ];makes the sentry provide two properties: challenge, which is public, and pass_number, which can be used only by the sentry's own embedded routines. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This makes the provides condition slightly more interesting than it
appeared in the previous section. The answer to the question of whether
or not
sentry provides pass_numberdepends on who's asking: this condition is true if it is tested in one of the sentry's own routines, and otherwise false. A private property is so well hidden that nobody else can even know whether or not it exists. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In addition to properties, objects have flag variables attached. (Recall that flags are variables which are either true or false: the flag is either flying, or not.) However, these are provided in a way which is quite different. Unlike property names, attribute names have to be declared before use with a directive like: Attribute tedious;Once this declaration is made, every object in the tree has a tedious flag attached, which is either true or false at any given time. The state can be tested by the has condition: if (magpie has tedious) ...tests whether the magpie's tedious flag is currently set, or not. The magpie can be created already having attributes using the has segment in its declaration: Object magpie "black-striped bird" with wingspan, worms_eaten has tedious;The has segment contains a list of attributes (with no commas in between) which should be initially set. In addition, an attribute can have a tilde ~ in front, indicating "this is definitely not held''. This is usually what would have happened anyway, but class inheritance (see below) disturbs this. Finally, the state of such a flag is changed in the running of the program using the give statement: give magpie tedious;sets the magpie's tedious attribute, and give magpie ~tedious;clears it again. The give statement can take a list of attributes, too: give door ~locked open;for example, meaning "take away locked and add on open''.
Having covered routines and strings in Section 1, and Objects above, the fourth and final metaclass to discuss is that of "classes''. A class is a kind of prototype object from which other objects are copied. These other objects are sometimes called "instances'' or "members'' of the class, and are said to "inherit from'' it. For example, clearly all birds ought to have wingspans, and the property flying_strength [; return magpie.wingspan + magpie.worms_eaten; ],(attached to the magpie in the example above) is using a formula which should work for any bird. We might achieve this by using directives as follows: Class Bird with wingspan 7, flying_strength [; return self.wingspan + self.worms_eaten; ], worms_eaten; Bird "magpie" with wingspan 5; Bird "crested glebe"; Bird "Great Auk" with wingspan 15; Bird "early bird" with worms_eaten 1;The first definition sets up a new class called Bird. Every example of a Bird now automatically provides wingspan, a flying_strength routine and a count of worms_eaten. Note that the four actual birds are created using the Bird class-name instead of the usual plain Object directive, but this is only a convenient short form for definitions such as: Object "magpie" with wingspan 5 class Bird;where class is the last of the four object definition segments. It's just a list of classes which the object has to inherit from. The Bird routine for working out flying_strength has to be written in such a way that it can apply to any bird. It has to say "the flying strength of any bird is equal to its wingspan plus the number of worms it has eaten''. To do this, it has used the special value self, which means "whatever object is being considered at the moment''. More of this in the next section. Note also that the Bird with specifies a wingspan of 7. This is the value which its members will inherit, unless their own definitions over-ride this, as the magpie and great Auk objects do. Thus the initial position is: Bird Value of wingspan Value of worms_eaten magpie 5 0 crested glebe 7 0 Great Auk 15 0 early bird 7 1
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In rare cases, clashes between what a class says and what the object says are resolved differently: see Section 8. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inform has "multiple inheritance'', which means that any object can inherit from any number of classes. Thus, an object has no single class; rather, it can be a member of several classes at once. Every object is a member of at least one class, because the four "metaclasses'' Routine, String, Object and Class are themselves classes. (Uniquely, Class is a member of itself.) The magpie above is a member of both Bird and Object. To complicate things further, classes can themselves inherit from other classes: Class BirdOfPrey class Bird with wingspan 15, people_eaten; BirdOfPrey kestrel;makes kestrel a member of both BirdOfPrey and of Bird. Informally, BirdOfPrey is called a "subclass'' of Bird. Given all this, it's impossible to have a function called class, analogous to metaclass, to say what class something belongs to. Instead, there is a condition called ofclass: kestrel ofclass Classis false, while kestrel ofclass BirdOfPrey kestrel ofclass Bird kestrel ofclass Object "Canterbury" ofclass Stringare all true. This condition is especially handy for use with objectloop: objectloop (x ofclass Bird) move x to Aviary;moves all the birds to the Aviary.
That completes the story of how to create objects, and it's time to begin communicating with them by means of messages. Every message has a sender, a receiver and some parameter values attached, and it always produces a reply (which is just a single value). For instance, x = lamp.addoil(5, 80);sends the message addoil with parameters 5 and 80 to the object lamp, and puts the reply value into x. Just as properties like magpie.wingspan are variables attached to objects, so messages are received by routines attached to objects, and message-sending is very like making an ordinary Inform function call. The "reply'' is what was called the return value in Section 1, and the "parameters'' used to be called function call arguments. But slightly more is involved, as will become apparent.
What does the lamp object do to respond to this message? First of all, it must do something. If the programmer hasn't specified an addoil routine for the lamp, then an error message will be printed out when the program is run, along the lines of *** The object "lamp" does not provide the property "addoil" ***Not only does lamp.addoil have to exist, but it has to hold one of the four kinds of object, or else nothing. What happens next depends on the metaclass of lamp.addoil:
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If lamp.addoil is a list rather than a single value then the first entry is the one looked at, and the rest are ignored. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For example, print kestrel.flying_strength();will print out 15, by calling the flying_strength routine provided by the kestrel (the same one it inherited from Bird), which adds its wingspan of 15 to the number of worms it has so far eaten (none), and then returns 15. (You can see all the messages being sent in a game as it runs with the debugging verb "messages'': see Section 30 for details.)
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For examples of all the other kinds of receiving property, here is
roughly what happens when the Inform library tries to move the player northeast
from the current room (the location) in an adventure game:
x = location.ne_to(); if (x == nothing) "You can't go that way."; if (x ofclass Object) move player to x;This allows directions to be given with some flexibility in properties like ne_to and so on: Object Octagonal_Room "Octagonal Room" with ... ne_to "The north-east doorway is barred by an invisible wall!", w_to Courtyard, e_to [; if (Amulet has worn) { print "A section of the eastern wall suddenly parts before you, allowing you into...^"; return HiddenShrine; } ], s_to [; if (random(5) ~= 1) return Gateway; print "The floor unexpectedly gives way, dropping you through an open hole in the plaster...^"; return random(Maze1, Maze2, Maze3, Maze4); ]; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Two special variables help with the writing of message routines: self and sender. self always has as value the Object which is receiving the message, while sender has as value the Object which sent it, or nothing if it wasn't sent from Object (but from some free-standing routine). For example, pass_number [; if (~~(sender ofclass CIA_Operative)) "Sorry, you aren't entitled to know that."; return 16339; ];
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A fairly common situation in Inform coding is that one has a general
class of objects, say Treasure, and wants to create an instance of this class
which behaves slightly differently. For example, we might have
Class Treasure with deposit [; if (self provides deposit_points) score = score + self.deposit_points; else score = score + 5; "You feel a sense of increased esteem and worth."; ];and we want to create an instance called Bat_Idol which (say) flutters away, resisting deposition, but only if the room is dark: Treasure Bat_Idol "jewelled bat idol" with deposit [; if (location == thedark) { remove self; "There is a clinking, fluttering sound!"; } ... ];In place of ..., we have to copy out all of the previous code about depositing treasures. This is clumsy: what we really want is a way of sending the deposit message to Bat_Idol but "as if it had not changed the value of deposit it inherited from Treasure''. We achieve this with the so-called superclass operator, ::. (The term "superclass'' is borrowed from the Smalltalk-80 system, where it is more narrowly defined.) Thus, in place of ..., we could simply write: self.Treasure::deposit();to send itself the deposit message again, but this time diverted to the property as provided by Treasure. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The :: operator works on all property values, not just for message sending.
In general,
object.class::propertyevaluates to the value of the given property which the class would normally pass on (or gives an error if the class doesn't provide that property or if the object isn't a member of that class). Note that :: exists as an operator in its own right, so it is perfectly legal to write, for example, x = Treasure::deposit; Bat_Idol.x();To continue the avian theme, BirdOfPrey might have its own flying_strength routine: flying_strength [; return self.Bird::flying_strength() + self.people_eaten; ],reflecting the idea that, unlike other birds, these can gain strength by eating people. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This section is best skipped until the reader feels entirely happy with the rest of Chapter I. It is aimed mainly at those worried about whether the ideas behind the apparently complicated system of classes and objects are sound. (As Stephen Fry once put it, "Socialism is all very well in practice, but does it work in theory?'') We begin with two definitions: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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-- object -- a member of the program's object tree, or a routine in the program, or a literal string in the program. (Routines and strings can't, of course, be moved around in the object tree, but the tests ofclass and provides can be applied to them, and they can be sent messages.) Objects are part of the compiled program produced by Inform. -- class -- an abstract name for a set of objects in the game, which may have associated with it a set of characteristics shared by its objects. Classes themselves are frequently described by text in the program's source code, but are not part of the compiled program produced by Inform.
Here are the full rules: (1) -- Compiled programs are composed of objects, which may have variables attached called "properties''. (2) -- Source code contains definitions of both objects and classes. (3) -- Any given object in the program either is, or is not, a member of any given class. (4) -- For every object definition in the source code, an object is made in the final program. The definition specifies which classes this object is a member of. (5) -- If an object X is a member of class C, then X "inherits'' property values as given in the class definition of C.
The details of how inheritance takes place are omitted here. But note that one of the things which can be inherited from class C is being a member of some other class, D.
(6) -- For every class definition, an object is made in the final program to represent it, called its "class-object''. For example, suppose we have a class definition like: Class Dwarf with beard_colour;The class Dwarf will generate a class-object in the final program, also called Dwarf. This class-object exists in order to receive messages like create and destroy and, more philosophically, in order to represent the concept of "dwarfness'' within the simulated world. It is important to remember that the class-object of a class is not normally a member of that class. The concept of dwarfness is not itself a dwarf: the condition Dwarf ofclass Dwarf is false. Individual dwarves provide a property called beard_colour, but the class-object of Dwarf does not: the concept of dwarfness has no single beard colour.
(7) -- Classes which are automatically defined by Inform are called "metaclasses''. There are four of these: Class, Object, Routine and String. It follows by rule (6) that every Inform program contains the class-objects of these four, also called Class, Object, Routine and String.
(8) -- Every object is a member of one, and only one, metaclass: (8.1) -- The class-objects are members of Class, and no other class. (8.2) -- Routines in the program (including those given as property values) are members of Routine and no other class. (8.3) -- Static strings in the program (including those given as property values) are members of String, and of no other class. (8.4) -- The objects defined in the source code are members of Object, and possibly also of other classes defined in the source code. It follows from (8.1) that Class is the unique class whose class-object is one of its own members: the condition Class ofclass Class is true, whereas X ofclass X is false for every other class X. There is one other unusual feature of metaclasses, and it is a rule provided for pragmatic reasons (see below) even though it is not very elegant:
(9) -- Contrary to rules (5) and (8.1), the class-objects of the four metaclasses do not inherit from Class.
This concludes the list of rules. To see what they entail, one needs to know the definitions of the four metaclasses. These definitions are never written out in any textual form inside Inform, as it happens, but here are definitions equivalent to what actually does happen. (There is no such directive as Metaclass: none is needed, since only Inform itself can define metaclasses, but the definitions here pretend that there is.) Metaclass Object;In other words, this is a class from which nothing is inherited. So the ordinary objects described in the source code only have the properties which the source code says they have. Metaclass Class with create [; ... ], recreate [ instance; ... ], destroy [ instance; ... ], copy [ instance1 instance2; ... ], remaining [; ... ];So class-objects respond only to these five messages, which are described in detail in the next section, and provide no other properties: except that by rule (9), the class-objects Class, Object, Routine and String provide no properties at all. The point is that these five messages are concerned with object creation and deletion at run time. But Inform is a compiler and not, like Smalltalk-80 or other highly object-oriented languages, an interpreter. We cannot create the program while it is actually running, and this is what it would mean to send requests for creation or deletion to Class, Object, Routine or String. (We could write the above routines to allow the requests to be made, but to print out some error if they ever are: but it is more efficient to have rule (9) instead.) Metaclass Routine with call [ parameters...; ... ];Routines therefore provide only call. See the next section for how to use this. Metaclass String with print [; print_ret (string) self; ], print_to_array [ array; ... ];Strings therefore provide only print and print_to_array. See the next section for how to use these. To demonstrate this, here is an Inform code representation of what happens when the message O.M(p1, p2, ...)is sent. if (~~(O provides M)) "Error: O doesn't provide M"; P = O.M; switch(metaclass(P)) { nothing, Object, Class: return P; Routine: return, p2, ...); String: return P.print(); }(The messages call and print are actually implemented by hand, so this is not actually a circular definition. Also, this is simplified to remove details of what happens if P is an array.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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In the examples so far, messages have only been sent to proper Objects. But it's a logical possibility to send messages to objects of the other three metaclasses too: the question is whether they are able to receive any. The answer is yes, because Inform provides 8 properties for such objects, as follows. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The only thing you can do with a Routine is to call it. Thus, if Explore is
the name of a routine, then, 4); and Explore(2, 4);are equivalent expressions. The message call(2,4) means "run this routine with parameters (2,4)''. This is not quite redundant, because it can be used more flexibly than ordinary function calls: x = Explore;, 4);The call message replies with the routine's return value. Two different messages can be sent to a String. The first is print, which is provided because it logically ought to be, rather than because it is useful. So, for example, ("You can see an advancing tide of bison!").print();prints out the string, followed by a new-line; the print message replies true, or 1.
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print_to_array is more useful. It copies out the text of the
string into entries 2, 3, 4, ... of the supplied byte array, and writes the
number of characters as a word into entries 0 and 1. That is, if A has
been declared as a suitably large array,
("A rose is a rose is a rose").print_to_array(A);will cause the text of the string to be copied into the entries A->2, A->3, ..., A->27with the value 26 written into A-->0And the reply value of the message is also 26, for convenience. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Five different messages can be sent to objects of metaclass Class, i.e., to classes, and these are detailed in the next section. (But an exception to this is that no messages at all can be sent to the four metaclasses Class, Object, Routine and String.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A vexed problem in all object-oriented systems is that it is often elegant to grow data structures organically, simply conjuring new objects out of mid-air and attaching them to the structure already built. The problem is that since resources cannot be infinite, there will come a point where no new objects can be conjured up. The program must be written so that it can cope with this, and this can present the programmer with some difficulty, since the conditions that will prevail when the program is being run may be hard to predict. In an adventure-game setting, object creation is useful for something like a beach full of stones: if the player wants to pick up more and more stones, the game needs to create a new object for each stone brought into play. Inform allows object creation, but it insists that the programmer must specify in advance what the maximum resources ever needed will be: for example, the maximum number of stones which can ever be in play. Although this is a nuisance, the reward is that the resulting program is guaranteed to work correctly on every machine running it (or else to fail in the same way on every machine running it). The model is this. When a class is defined, a number N is specified, which is the maximum number of created instances of the class which the programmer will ever need at once. When the program is running, "instances'' can be created (up to this limit); or deleted. One can imagine the class having a stock of instances, so that creation consists of giving out one of the stock-pile and deletion consists of taking one back. Classes can receive the following five messages:
remaining() What is the current value of N? That is, how many more instances can be created? create() Replies with a newly created instance, or with nothing if no more can be created. destroy(I) Destroys the instance I, which must previously have been created. recreate(I) Re-initialises the instance I, as if it had been destroyed and then created again. copy(I, J) Copies I to be equal to J, where both have to be instances of the class.
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Note that recreate and copy can be sent for any instances, not just
instances which have previously been created. For example,
Plant.copy(Gilded_Branch, Poison_Ivy)copies over all the Plant properties and attributes from Poison_Ivy to Gilded_Branch, but leaves all the rest alone. Likewise, Treasure.recreate(Gilded_Branch)only resets the properties to do with Treasure, leaving the Plant properties alone. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unless the definition of a class C is made in a special way, C.remaining() will always reply 0, C.destroy() will cause an error and C.create() will be refused. This is because the magic number N for a class is normally 0. The "special way'' is to give N in brackets after the class name. For example, if the class definition for Leaf begins: Class Leaf(100) ...then initially Leaf.remaining() will reply 100, and the first 100 create() messages will certainly be successful. Others will only succeed if leaves have been destroyed in the mean time. In all other respects Leaf is an ordinary class.
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Object creation and destruction may need to be more sophisticated than this. For example, we might have a data structure in which every object of class A is connected in some way with four objects of class B. When a new A is created, four new Bs need to be created for it; and when an A is destroyed, its four Bs need to be destroyed. In an adventure game setting, we might imagine that every Dwarf who is created has to carry an Axe of his own. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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When an object has been created (or recreated), but before it has been
"given out'' to the program, a create message is sent to it (if it provides
create). This gives the object a chance to set itself up sensibly.
Similarly, when an object is about to be destroyed, but before it actually is, a
destroy message is sent to it (if it provides destroy). For example:
Class Axe(30); Class Dwarf(7) with beard_colour, create [ x; self.beard_colour = random("black", "red", "white", "grey"); ! Give this new dwarf an axe, if there are any to spare x = Axe.create(); if (x ~= nothing) move x to self; ], destroy [ x; ! Destroy any axes being carried by this dwarf objectloop (x in self && x ofclass Axe) Axe.destroy(x); ]; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The properties used in the sections above are all examples of
"individual properties'', which some objects provide and others do not.
There are also "common properties'' which, because they are inherited
from the class Object, are held by every member of Object.
An example is capacity. The capacity can be read for an ordinary
game object (say, a crate) even if it doesn't specify a
capacity for itself, and the resulting "default'' value will
be 100. However, this is only a very weak form of inheritance --
you can't change the crate's capacity value and the condition
crate provides capacity evaluates to false.
The properties defined by the Inform library, such as
capacity, are all common: mainly because common properties
are marginally faster to access and marginally cheaper on memory.
Only 62 are available, of which the library uses up 48.
Individual properties, on the other hand, are practically
unlimited. It is therefore worth declaring a common property only
in those cases where it will be used very often in your program.
You can declare common properties with the directive:
| Property <name>;which should be made after the inclusion of "Parser'' but before first use of the new name. The class Object will now pass on this property, with value 0, to all its members. This so-called "default value'' can optionally be specified. For example, the library itself makes the declaration Property capacity 100;which is why all containers in a game which don't specify any particular capacity can hold up to 100 items.
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